Higher than I

    There's this beautiful song I've listened to called, "Jesus the Beloved". There's a line at the beginning of the song that says, "King of the Saints, you know the best way."

    And although I've heard that line before it recently struck me differently. You know the best way. It's easy to say, easy to sing at the top of your lungs, but is it easy to live out? When our jobs are teetering on the edge, when it feels like we're scraping at pennies in our finances, when our whole world seems to be crumbling around us, is it easy to give our circumstances to God and trust He knows the best way? 

    For me, the answer to that question is a hardy, "No!" Why? Well, I love to think I have great ideas of how something should go. I think it's obvious how a situation should be resolved and it's easy to think if God would listen to my ideas, everything would be okay! Yet, that's where things take a very dangerous turn. God's ways are higher than our own. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He knows the best way! 

    When we try to fix things in our own power it usually leads to us wrenching the situation even worse. We take the driver's seat from God, place our hands on the controls, and end up in a nose-dive spin out of control. When we can't explain the outcome of something, we blame it on God. When we don't understand the waves that seem to beat down upon us, we decide it's because we've been out of the driver's seat too long. 

    But have you ever stopped to think that maybe there's something deeper in your circumstances. Maybe God has flown you through a storm to show you He's strong enough to get you to the other side, if you only believe He can. It's a game of trust. Are you going to trust yourself, or the infinite God who created you? Are you going to turn your back on God when things get hard, or let Him make you stronger through it. God doesn't cause our struggles, but He can be the one who helps us overcome them. God doesn't desire to see us go through turmoil, but when we do, He is the one who reaches out His hand to lead us out. 

    So, what are you going to believe? Will you choose to place God's ways above your ways, His thought's above your thoughts? Are you going to let the King of the universe, the Lord over all, the Creator of knowledge itself, lead your life, trusting He knows the best way? Or will you discredit God for who He is and try to overcome your battle alone? God will not force the controls from your hands, but if you surrender your life into His hands He will direct you, for He knows the best way.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways,”
declares the LORD.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so My ways are higher than your ways
and My thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9


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