A Vessel for His Work

Full surrender. That's what we're called to as Christians. To fully surrender to God and let Him move through us. Essentially, we're called to empty all of ourselves out and let God fill us afresh with His undeniable love and service. We're called to live a life fully committed to God. And something I learned recently in a book entitled, The Call, by Os Guinness, is that you don't need to be sent out into the mission field to be used for His work. We are called to make anywhere God has placed us our mission field. Whether it be a school, an office, or a construction site. Full surrender means giving God everything, not just your Sundays, but your workdays, and rest days, and everything in between. Work shouldn't be seen as just a way to pay the bills, but as a freshly tilled field ready for seed.

Surrender isn't an easy thing, and definitely not a one time thing, either. Surrender is something we need to do daily, of laying down our lives and asking God to use us. Ask God how He can use you right where you're at. Ask Him to show you the fields in your life, the freshly tilled one's ready for seed and the fields with a teeming crop ready for the harvest. God is ready for us to give ourselves fully to Him. Let's live a life for Him, fully surrendered.


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